Random Musings
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Friday, May 31, 2013
Girl1: Hey whatcha doin'
Me: Nothing much just chillin
Girl1: Had dinner?
Me: yeah. WBU?
Girl1: Nope waiting for the Hubby...
Girl2: Heylos
Me: Hi there.. long time!!
Girl2: Are you free this weekend?
Me: Yeah kinda.. why?
Girl2: Its my kid's first Bday.. plzz do come...
Another Sigh!!!!!!!
Why do all the women I converse with have to be committed :(
Speaking of women, all us guys have been termed as MCPs at least once in a lifetime. Couple of days back, I'd written or had been "inspired" to write an anecdote of a flirty Romeo using trial and error to search for his prospective Juliet and a witty reply of the lady being prospected.
Couple of ladies commented on the post saying something like "Clever Girl!!" I was like, "C'mon!! You're forgetting that the author is a guy.. he too needs some kudos for creating that lady's character."
Either the commentors are simply over excited about getting a one up over men or I am such a great writer than they forgot that it was a piece of fiction and were totally absorbed by it.
So I'll just pat myself on the back :)
In case you are interested in reading the anecdote, click here